A Gift to You on Thanksgiving!

Hello Lovely Peeps!

Thanksgiving weekend, special time to list our blessings…especially the little blessings that keep our lives interesting,even challenging! I like remembering that even in the midst of hard times we always have something that gives us hope.

Lately I have invited my senses to take in more of the little nuances, the subtle miracles that happen around me all the time…

…and I started noticing more the colors, the changes in nature, the sweet gestures that my daughter makes, even when she is focussed on homework, especially when she is focussed and distracted and not interacting with me!

I love remembering that this being, this child, has been created out of my body -her physical self… I find this totally fascinating! And definitely a miracle!

So, for all of you that are mothers or have children in your lives, I invite you to watch, perceive, notice -especially with small children- how they interact with the world. It’s truly inspiring to watch young children play and discover the world and themselves… such a crucial time in their lives!

Since birth, they are a miracle and every little thing that happens seems like one as well! Newness, discovery, adventure… plenty of opportunities to learn and grow!

I invite you to take a breath, take a moment and notice…

  • How are you welcoming adventure and newness into yourlife?
  • What are you feeling inspired by these days?
  • Are you ready to open to the miracles that are happeningall around you, all the time?
  • Are you open to manifesting the life you most desire and that will make you feel thrilled to wake up every day?

If you are ready to step-up and play big in your life, I invite you to start right now! Just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine…

(this is a little gift from me to You in honor of Thanksgiving!)

Let your mind paint you a picture, and imagine Yourself 2 or 3 years from now… You are living the life of your dreams… and you are feeling completely thrilled, excited and happy about how things have evolved, you look back at everything you accomplished and You feel inspired by Your life!

Take a moment and notice what you are wearing, where you are, what is around you and especially how your body and your energy feel… you are at peace, content and fulfilled! Let these feelings be absored completely into your being… every cell…

Take a slow, deep breath and gently open your eyes… as soon as you do, write down everything you’ve seen… as this is Your Map! You now have a clear destination!

The next step is to step back a bit and see what You did, what happened before the moment when you ARRIVED? What was the previous step? And so on…

Make sure you write down everything that you know you will need to do, and don’t forget to write down… 

Who are the people that are going to support you and encourage You along the way?

Taking note of all that will help you along the journey to get to your DESTINATION!

Congratulations, YOU are on your way!

Much love, light and laughter,



  • Cory

    Reply Reply December 1, 2013

    What a wonderful way to figure out my steps forward! I really needed that! Thank you!

  • Martha

    Reply Reply December 2, 2013

    Yes, children are amazing! I don’t have any of my own but I spent Thanksgiving with a three year old running around. I spent half of the afternoon mesmerized by her imagination and the way that everything became a toy to play with. I kept thinking, how can I even get one tenth of that back in my life?!

  • Laura Mazza Gonick

    Reply Reply December 2, 2013

    Dear Cory,
    I am thrilled to know you got to see what your next steps are! Now that you have them, who can stop You!

  • Shelley

    Reply Reply December 2, 2013

    Love this Laura! Thanks for sharing this with me.

  • Fabiana Santos

    Reply Reply December 6, 2013

    So inspiring! I loved when you asked those questions, they sounded so appealing to me! I will find myself a quiet time and place to do the exercise ASAP! Thanks!

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