My Hiding Story…

As this Special Thanksgiving weekend ends I want to reach out and share a story that has been present for me these last few days.

I know you have been swamped with offers and deals left and right and THIS is NOT another offer of any kind!

There is nothing for you to get, buy or “take advantage of” other than taking a few minutes of your time for Yourself…

(You may choose to use the Tapping script below…)

During this season I reflect about my journey and how I came to feel so passionate about my Mission to help others Shine their Light Brighter than they ever thought possible.

I do feel very connected with my Soul-Calling: Inspiring others to feel Thrilled and Passionate by their lives, finding their Gifts and sharing them with the world – even if it seems scary at first…

It’s SO worth it!

If you are anything like me…I was in deep hiding, I did not like to be noticed much -I know it’s hard to believe these days…

It seemed scary, against my survival instincts, being open, exposed and vulnerable, at the risk of being judged, rejected and abandoned (It’s hard to write down, I still remember the heaviness in my heart).

I have learned since then that being open and vulnerable was going to be the only way I could and would fulfill my Soul-Calling…

The day I had that realization was not an easy one (you can ask my husband Stefan). I rebelled… I battled – that was my survival mechanism: hiding and battling!

Hiding and battling were keeping me where I was, and that place was getting pretty small, frustrating and boring after a while…

So I decided to conquer my monsters: face the fact that YES! I was going to be  judged, rejected and abandoned by some…

Yet, I was also going to be accepted and welcomed by many!!!

So, today I extend this invitation: To step up, challenge yourself, share who you are and be open to receiving the Amazing Loving Support the World has to offer!

I know we are on this journey together!

We form a Tribe of Brilliant, Heart-Centered, Soulful People ready to step-up and live a Wealthy Meaningful Life!

Thanks for saying YES to yourself!

The world is waiting for you to break free and openly share your Authentic and Powerful self! 

I have done this Tapping many times, today I share it with you –
This is my contribution to YOUR saying YES! to sharing your most Amazing and Authentic Self!

Starting at the Karate-Chop point:

Even though I have been hiding until now, I recognize that my time is approaching to come out and “play”

Even thought it has not felt safe to share my authentic self, who I truly am and at times I even feel that I have lost touch with my gifts, my passions and my Mission in this life, I honor my journey and I am ready to grow into the person I’ve always wanted to be, radiantly sharing my gifts with the world, living a meaningful and wealthy life!

Even though I have been doing so much without the success I truly desire, and there’s a part of me that has felt stuck and not very motivated, I now realize that everything that has happened has lead me to this very moment where I choose to really step-up into my Power, my Passion and my Soul-Calling in a big way!

Through the points:

I have been hiding
It has not felt safe to fully share myself
I have been “functioning”
Doing and being in my life
Who I believe I was supposed to do and be
And yet something has lead me to this place:

I am ready to step up
There is still a part of me
Who is uncertain
So many times before I tried
And the results were not
What I truly hoped
There has been some hardships
Some people calling learning opportunities
I say they were freaking hard
And there are parts of me not fully recovered
I am still holding back
From all that happened

I don’t want to go through
Disappointments again
So much effort and yet…
I did not see the success
The wealth and Success
I truly desire

There is a part of me
That is fully aware of my value
That I have something
Very Special to offer
I believe in my heart and soul
That I have something
To share with the world
Something that nobody else has

And yet…
I have been holding myself back
Worried of not making it
Concerned about failing
What if I give it my best and still…
I fail…

There is this other part of me
That is SO ready
Ready for action
Ready to feel empowered
To really own all of who I am
This part of me…
It’s freaking Awesome

And it’s SO enthusiastic
So optimistic
This part is really committed
Because it has certainty
It has clarity

This part of me is completely READY
To step-up
Show the world that there is something
Something special and unique
That She/He has to offer
Grown from experience and deep growth
This Special Gift that I have
Is the result of so many events in my life
Combined with my Soul and my Heart

I have always believed
That there’s something Special
I came here to do
Live a Life of Meaning and Impact
Sharing my Gifts

I am not open to taking the first step
It does not have to be a huge one
And yet…
This first step carried POWER
The power of Action
The power of Committment
The power of Love

Because I feel ready
In every cell in my body
I can feel the energy
It has been getting ready
And now it’s bubbling with
Energy, Enthusiasm, Curiosity
and Excitement

Because in my heart and Soul
I know what is coming:
It’s BIG, is important
And necessary:
It’s ME
Being My true Authentic Self
Saying YES! To Myself

This is MY TIME
My time to step-up
And BE all that I am
Sharing my gifts with the world
and being rewarded handsomely for it

I am ready to create the life I always desired

Sending YOU Soulful Empowerment and Wealth,

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