Do You Validate? The Mystery of Gratitude…

Today I would like to share something that happened to me yesterday and that really surprised me:

I am participating in a program that “invites” me to write key testimonials for people and organizations that I have felt supported me or my business in any way.

Yesterday, I wrote three. I had to be specific and clear and I chose to put my heart into it, sharing why this person made a difference in my day…

After I was done I noticed something very peculiar:

I feeling completely different…

I was feeling lighter, more energized, my mind was more focused and my perspective about life in general was so positive!
Usually I am an optimist and yet I felt extra open for new Amazing Opportunities and Mysteries to unfold!

I realized I was feeling so grateful, in touch with the blessings in my life and how there are people and circumstances that support me in so many ways!

Then it dawn on me:

I had been writing about how this particular people had impacted my life in a positive way and I had chosen to put my heart and soul into it, being specific and “feeling” the gratitude!

That is exactly what happened: getting it touch with how grateful I felt, took me to a new level of GRATITUDE… Opening my energy to receive even more!

So today I want to ask you:

What do YOU want to attract to Your Life?

Look around you:

Who and What is support YOU in Your Journey?

And if you are ready for more support:

Who do YOU want to invite to Your Life Today?

As always I love hearing from you, and you know the power of words… Write your answers below and let’s inspire each other!

Sending YOU Soulful Empowerment, Wealth, and Gratitude!