I have been so busy, so much going on -lots of demands and “to do” lists. Can you relate?
I was running on empty and was getting pretty irritable… my inner monster was about to come out! (the one that is there to remind me I have gone too far, doing too much without replenishing my energy)
See, this little -with not so little energy- monster that lives inside of me is the one that is there to put some distance between me and the world.
It does come out when I have gone too far, disconnected from myself too much, that I have no idea how or where to start to find a break to connect with myself, and my heart goes missing.
This time is unlike any other, because I remain conscious. I am still in defense, setting boundaries the angry way, not the healthy way. I bet you know what I mean…
So I am aware of what I’m doing and I am even able to verbalize it. I say “You know I need some time to recover, leave me be!”
It always works, they leave me be. Of course, who would want to be close to a monster that is ready to eat your head off? And yet it is not fun to be in that place. Powerful? Sure! But not fun…
So I start feeling my way into the experience.
I am in a forest and it’s dark. But when my eyes adjust I notice that this monster certainly lives in a pretty nice place. It’s not dark and scary as I thought. The trees are lavish with fruit and the ground is soft and inviting underfoot, the birds are chirping and there’s a creek singing nearby… but a bit isolated, nobody is around.
I realized that that is what I wanted: to have some time to myself… here I am. Alone, in a beautiful place and absorbing all the energy, feeling replenished.
That is when I notice that I’m being observed.
There is Someone there… I can not see Her, yet I feel her presence. I get a clear feeling that She is watching over me, the way she always was when I was a child.
And right there and then I realize what I need to do:
I need to come here more often. Not invited by the little monster that pushes people away with her anger.
But INVITED by Her, my Inner Guide, my Higher Self, my Heart.
I need to schedule her invitations in my calendar so I do not forget!
Now, wait a minute!!!! If I do that, I schedule time for myself to visit this place, I would be regimented by my schedule! I do not respond well to commands!!!!
Wow! Did that sound familiar?! Yes, I have a vow: Not to respond to orders or set rules without running it through a series of tests… and often anything remotely resembling orders are equated with BAD!
Yes, I am a natural Rebellious One! And proud of it!
If I feel confined, restricted or controlled, in any manner, I REBEL!!!
I have a lot of practice.
Well, this time something is a bit different. I realize that I am the one setting the time, scheduling something I want to do!
So this argument goes in my head:
“It is still a rule, we need to rebel!”
“But it is something You want!”
“So what? A rule is a rule and we do not go along with strict rules!”
“Is there any space for flexibility?”
“We are strict about rules, we do not respect strict rules!!!”
I don’t know you, but I am laughing writing this and realizing what is happening…
So just for the sake of honoring change and to give my inner Goddess a chance to rejuvenate, I schedule time to visit her in her enchanted forest.
And… what happened next is truly magical: I call a truce, my rebellious self calls truce. I can not believe it!!!
She realizes that by scheduling time to visit the forest, she has time to relax and does not have to be on guard all the time, keeping watch over my over-doing.
Now…. ME, 46 years old and adult, also realize that by setting a structure, a schedule where I get stuff done and create ME time, I feel much Freer than I’ve ever felt!!!!
I can rely on the calendar holding the time… and I?
Well, I just have Fun getting stuff done and visiting my enchanted forest!!!!
How About You?
So, how does Your Rebellious side get in the way of your peace and relaxation? How does she interfere in your life?
See, what happens is that these endearing rebellious monsters are very useful, even more when we were very young. They helped us, by keeping us safe by defending us, making us strong, when we needed it most!
And yet, as adults today, we need to recognize them and give them thanks… and ask them to relax when another strategy is more useful to us.
Look at your life, what would you like to accomplish? How do you want to improve your relationships, your career, your connection with yourself? And how does your rebellious side keep you stuck?
Take a moment and write down a different strategy that would really help you get there!!!
And, please share it below, we all need some creative ideas when those little monsters peek their heads….
Many blessings on your journey to your own Enchanted Forest!!!
Marilyn Bousquin
October 8, 2013Laura! What an enlightening post. I would prefer not to think about the rebel in me but since you bring it up: The rebel in me REFUSES to do the simple tasks that need to get done. Refuses. I’m trying to think of a strategy. When I want my poodle to do want I want her to do, I bribe her with a treat, but my inner rebel? Her arms are crossed and she’s shaking her head. Any suggestions? Best best, Marilyn
Laura Mazza Gonick
October 8, 2013Marilyn,
I totally know what you mean, mine has had that tendency too. I suggest you ask her what is it that she wants, I imagine it will be enlightening to find out what she says. After all, she is there to protect you and keep you safe. If you soothe her letting her know that what you want to do is good for you both she might understand.
I feel that our inner rebel is a young part of us that has learned a specific tool to keep us safe. We need to dialogue with her, let her know we are greatful and now there is time to use other tools that might be more effective.
I hope this makes sense, try it and let me know. It will be helpful to ask her how old she is as well.
In light and laughter!
October 8, 2013So funny to read this, I too have a hidden rebellious streak that I laugh about when I think about her logic. I often get her to come around by giving her/myself permission to refuse exactly what it is I’m wanting to get done. By giving her permission, participating then becomes a choice, rather than a “have to” and all she really wants is the choice. She likes feeling like a free woman!
Laura Mazza Gonick
October 8, 2013Martha,
What a great idea! I imagine is very effective to give her permission. Similar to Marilyn, I would also suggest to ask her what she needs when she opposes to do something. I bet she has some great information for you.
Then you can both figure out what may make sense to do. Almost like playing with a child and figuring out how to play her game. She sets the rules and yet you get to have input on how to proceed.
Let me know your thoughts. Have fun playing!
Cathy Hamilton
October 29, 2013Hi Laura, this post cracked me up as I could see myself at times – I have learned to give my little rebel permission to say no whenever she wants. However, I have never thought to ask her how old she is at that moment and what she wants instead. There is a specific issue where my little rebel is feeling boxed in by some rules and not liking it at all – I am going to use this approach to see if I can get things to loosen up :). Thanks for being you!!!
October 29, 2013My inner REBEL likes to procrastinate. Maybe that is her way of getting her ‘me time’ in, not sure. I will have to look at the REBEL more closely. Thank you for bringing this into the light for me!
October 31, 2013Great post Laura! It really made me think! I think my Rebel comes out when I haven’t done a good job of setting boundaries. Then she gets pissed and wants to say NO to everything that comes my way!! Actually, she is right though. I kinda welcome her. I get so mad when I suddenly realize how many times I let my boundary get crossed, that I DO need to rebel just a little to gain my footing again. I am, however, doing my best to realize all of this BEFORE the boundary gets crossed….. it is a process isn’t it?? 😀
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