I almost fell in a black hole… I hope this never happens to you.

As my body is stirring from sleep, my brain turns on,
not necessarily a good thing. I hear inside my head the list of things that need to get done today, this week, this month…

…and the people I have to call, the appointments I should make, the tasks that I need to complete for my business… not to mention a reminder of my commitment to re-start my exercise routine and cook healthy for myself before going to the office.

Then, I remember I actually have to get up and get on with my day.

Let me tell you –though I believe, you figured it out- I didn’t get out of bed in a bright and cheery mood. And as the minutes progressed I could literally see the vision of my life get grayer and grayer…

See, when I get in this mood, everything gets tinted, and definitely not pink… pretty dark indeed. I don’t like this mental space. I am walking around this big dark hole, playing with the idea of just tripping over the edge and going down.

However, today I decided to spend a little time with myself and do something different. I looked outside and the sun was shining, which gave me an idea… I was not going to work out in my elliptical –boring!

I decided to go for a walk; being outside among nature is always grounding and soothing for me.

I put my sneakers on –just in case, I decided to jog… which of course, I ended up doing!

… the brisk air, the warm sun, the birds just invited me to move and for a brief moment I felt better. The dark hole (the one I was dancing around, almost falling into) disappeared!

Half way into my walk I saw something in the pavement of the road:


It reminded me of my desire to open my heart as my path in life. Growing my ability to trust that the Universe is truly out too support ME! (and not get me… as I had believed growing up).

And then I remembered other recent times when I found this in my cup (as I was having my usual hot water and lemon):


And the other time that I purchased a small stool and when I got home I saw this, in the grains of the wool:


So I listened and I heard (in my head) “Here is your sign, look and pay attention: there are so many beautiful, awesome and amazing things to see in this world if you only open your eyes…”

I admit this has made my day a very different one than the one I was starting. I know the other one, I have jumped in that hole before and relished in the sameness, safe self-pity of overwhelm.

Not today! Today I decide to connect with my HEART, my desire to share the wonderful LOVE that lives there. And, to truly get in touch with my MISSION even more fully:

To guide Women that are struggling with feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stuck, break free of the blocks that prevent them from Unleashing the Awesome beings that they are, having a balanced life, a fulfilled career, living the life of their dreams!!!

This is my Today story. What have you been struggling with? What is the voice in your head telling you? And most importantly, do you believe it?

I would love to hear your story!

I know it will help me next time my inner sergeant is on duty…

1 Comment

  • Kate Stevenson

    Reply Reply December 28, 2013

    Hi Laura
    We met at Susan’s dinner and bowling.
    Nice story. What a good reminder. I will keep a look out for all the little reminders to stay open and loving and bright!

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