My Goal Setting Struggles… And Yours?

December is here and with it my yearly inventory takes place. 

I look back over the year, looking at what I set myself to do and what I got accomplished. I take note of the challenges and successes and above all:
I celebrate all the learnings that I gained! 

This constitutes my jumping board for 2015!

It hasn’t always been this way…
In the past, December, was a month that I would dread. Everyone around me talked about New Year’s Resolutions, and I got in touch with the pain of, once again, facing the fact that this had been another year when I did not accomplish my goals…

Not a fun process, if you ask me!

See, back then I would set fabulous goals and dream big!

The Dream was there and yet I could not reach it, no matter what I did I hardly made any progress towards it at all…

This is how I did inventory in the past:

I visualized myself at my final destination: My goal, My dream come true! And then I would start creating a plan of action…

There was a huge piece missing and though it was just in front of my eyes I was completely unaware.

It never occurred to me to pay attention to the sensations, emotions and thoughts that “seeing myself” in my final destination brought up for me. 

When I noticed, I was floored! 

I was actually feeling terrible. My stomach was all in knots, I felt fear and panic, and my thoughts were X-Rated -I am censuring the four letter words here: “Really, are you freaking out of your mind? Is that what you want, you know what that means? You will never get there, no way, no how!” I felt overwhelmed and discouraged!

Upon further exploration I got in touch with the deep fear that lived in me when it came to being a more “visible” figure:

As I shared with you in a previous e-mail (, I was not interested in being a target of what I believed would lead to judgement or rejection. So, for instance, promoting myself through video was out of the equation! Completely!

Of course, my Coach said that if I wanted to accomplish my Dream, video was the number one thing to start doing…

I had to do lots of Tapping on that one fear alone! Not to mention when I was invited to present at Conferences or when I gave live Workshops…

I thought I would get permanent dents from doing so much Tapping… : )

Then a huge light appeared before my eyes, it was like a movie screen with enormous writing on it that read:

“Your dreams are always outside your comfort zone…
If your BIG Dream does not scare you,
It’s because YOU are not dreaming Big Enough,
BIG dreams are completely uncomfortable,
if they weren’t, YOU will be there already!”

It felt like a splash of cold of water on my face. It was refreshing, clear and very startling. It did the trick: I GOT IT!!!

From that day on I always paid close attention to my body and it’s message.
That is how I know what is going for me energetically and what I need to address to be able to get where I want to be.

So, now I do look forward to December. Actually it’s one of my favorite times of the year because it’s when I get to Celebrate and Reconnect with myself and my Big Goal!

Tell me, what is your December like these days? Are you full of excitement, enthusiasm and energy, ready for 2015?

…Or are You feeling unclear, frustrated and worried about setting goals for next year? Or do you tend to avoid the whole thing?

As you read, I totally know how it feels. That is why I will share my step-by-step goal setting process in my next email to you!

Keep your eye on your inbox.

I invite you to post below. All your questions, comments and stories are welcome, and I will respond, for sure!

Sending YOU Soulful Empowerment and Wealth,


  • Clea

    Reply Reply December 8, 2014

    It has been a year full of learning both in my personal life and in what I want to do career wise. I know I want to make a big impact, reach many people and bring peace in the wold by helping people create peace within themselves. I have been sharpening my skill so I can do that with more confidence and efficiency. Also, have taken care of my health with loving kindness, with attention to nutrition and exercise, proper sleep, relaxation, plus attention to inner dialog, mood and thoughts. The results have been more self love, perceiving the value of what I do as well as the value I offer.
    Marketing myself is still a challenge, and have some difficulties that I have not solved, such as no car and not adequate public transportation, to go out and give talks, meet people. I am please with my year.I have taken writing class which has helped me a lot.

    • Laura Mazza Gonick

      Reply Reply December 14, 2014

      Hello Dear Clea,

      Such a pleasure to read your comment. You have had a very powerful and positive year!
      Amazing transformation and progress, Congratulations!

      I completely agree with you, if we want to help others improve in certain areas of their lives, it’s crucial that we do that for ourselves, with kindness and compassion. That way we have walked the path and know what it takes and the Fabulous results we got!

      We can share more authentically who we are and what we are here to contribute.

      Regarding the marketing piece, I believe it would be very important to address the blocks that are interfering for you to manifest the opportunities, ideas, people that will support you in taking the next step.

      Please contact me to set up a time to discuss how we can work together to release what you no longer need.


  • Clea

    Reply Reply January 19, 2015

    Thanks Laura. I gave an interview on the blog radio,it was a win for me because it was easy, I felt comfortable and free to express myself. It did not bring me a surge of new clients and I was not expecting that it was what it was. after that I received another invitation for a radio interview, and Face Book offered to help me with adds on FB. Since I enjoyed talking, I will give as many talks as I can, that way I will feel more comfortable with it and maybe attract clients. I have not given up on my dream and have to start where I am at. Thanks for the support, Clea

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