You are an Expert… and you might not know it… Yet!

Hello Soulful Friends,
As I was listening to some inspiring words in my car I realized something!
We are all experts…

Give me a moment. Just read on, this is brief…
Please answer these two simple questions:

1. Have you gone through some really challenging events and learned from it?
2. Is there something in your life that you feel passionate about? Anything…

If you can answer YES to these questions, you are indisputably an Expert!

You, my dear soulful friend, have something to share with the world that only You have gone through. You have learned or discovered something about yourself and the way the world works that is of value to others!

And there is more…
It is your reponsability, your purpose in this life to share Your Message with others. You see, this is something that only you can do!

You might think: “Well, yes, I went throught that but I am not the only one…” or “There were others involved in this event and we all made it…”

I want you to know that the unique way in which you went through that experience, what you learned, discovered or uncovered about you and the world, is absolutely unique to You, who you are! And that is the power of Your Message and Your Message alone!

I have another wonderful thing to share with you. And bear with me because this one is a bit controversial. A lot of people might get up in arms -and they have, when I mention this-.

The amount you get paid is directly proportional to the Value YOU add to others and the world.

It’s not about hours, time spent at a desk or task… It’s about value.
I will tell you why I believe this so strongly. Think about these scenarios.

How much do you pay:

  • Someone that has transformed your life in one hour?
  • Someone that guides you in being a fabulous parent in a day?
  • Someone that inspires 2,000 people in 15 minutes to live passionately?
  • Someone that…

The list goes on and on… These people are experts, they have a unique gift, message to share and they are adding massive amounts of Value to their fellow humans!

So, my conclusion, and I deeply hope you agree: You are an expert and can be paid as One!

I would love to hear from you, leave your comment below!
What are you passionate about?
What have you learned that inspires you to live even fully?






  • Bonnie

    Reply Reply February 12, 2014

    Thank you Laura for such inspiring and insightful words! I think maybe everyone is an expert at something, just maybe, like you said, we don’t realize it yet. Thank you for pointing it out. It seems so obvious and yet we walk around not realizing our expertise and our value. Beautiful of you to make this point!

  • Cory

    Reply Reply February 12, 2014

    I love how I feel like you’re speaking to me, specially, and that so what I needed to hear. Thank you and keep it coming!!

  • Deborah

    Reply Reply February 12, 2014

    Laura thankyou for making me realize how simple it actually is to see what I have to offer. xo

  • Cathy Hamilton

    Reply Reply February 18, 2014

    Laura, what a beautiful post. Your words make it so easy for everyone to see their worth. Thank you for being an expert!!! 🙂

  • Laura Mazza Gonick

    Reply Reply February 18, 2014

    Thank You Cathy, Deborah, Cory and Bonnie,

    I often think it is so amazing how we try to figure out things for so long… Don’t take me wrong I believe that growth is essential to being human and yet sometimes we make this way too complicated.

    I remember the beautiful and simple saying: “Don’t sweat the small stuff… and, remember, everything is small stuff…”

    Much love, light and laughter to you Awesome, Brilliant Experts!!!

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